According to an eye witness at the party "He wasn’t acting like a married man; he gave no signs that he was in a committed relationship,Once they pulled the curtain back to take the pictures, they let their inhibitions run wild, laughing, hugging and nuzzling each other in the dark,” the eyewitness said. “Margot directed Will before each pose. First she ordered him to act like a gangster. Then she covered her face with a masquerade mask and leaned into his chest. Next, she asked Will to take a sexy picture with her, as she pulled up her shirt and exposed her lingerie for Will and the came. They were hanging all over each other, laughing like they were a new couple in love,” the source continued. “Will had just gotten done working for the day, so he definitely wasn’t intoxicated in any way — he knew what he was doing.” The eye witness added.
The scandalous pictures have since been circulated by lifestyle magazine "Star". I really like the Smiths though the problems they have had in the past year, I really do hope they get this under control. See scandalous photos below

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